MWA: Murray Wise Associates

News & Insights

More Stimulus on the Way

Following much anticipated negotiations, Congress passed a $900 billion COVID-19 stimulus package. Included in the package is much-needed financial relief for agricultural producers as well as additional financial resources for agricultural research and farmer stress assistance programs. Of the $900 billion in the package, $13 billion was allocated to agricultural programs, representing approximately 1.4% of [...]

THE FARMLAND MARKET By Murray Wise In the past few months we have seen a farmland marketplace which could be described no other way than “intensely aggressive.” [We] have been recommending farmland as an investment for some time, but never anticipated the intensity we have experienced in the last six months. In the quality areas [...]

2020 In Review

Historically we have devoted a portion of the fourth quarter Wise Ag Update to take a look back at the year that was, however, to do 2020 justice I would need much more than the space allotted here. To say this year has been unique would be a colossal understatement. As with virtually every other [...]

A global pandemic and accompanying stimulus along with depressed interest rates have caused many investors to go searching for yield. Recently the Federal Reserve announced large banks (with more than $100M in total assets) would be prohibited from buying back stock in the fourth quarter and dividends would be capped and based on a formula [...]

Todd E. Gleason · A Land Auction Twist to the Nobel Prize

Hopefully soon we will be able to return to what we consider to be normal land marketing, that being a public auction where we invite all those interested to attend. In the interval, we have had the opportunity of recently selling 208 acres here in East Central Illinois, offering the property in three separate tracts [...]

It’s been a surreal world for the past few months with the coronavirus impacting our lives in many unexpected ways since the beginning of 2020. While the pandemic has certainly affected us on a personal level, it has also had a large and broad effect on the agricultural industry. Besides the meat industry, ethanol has [...]

There are a lot of moving parts in the meat industry and nearly everyone in the supply chain is being affected, or eventually will be affected, from farmers to meat packers to the consumer. On May 5th, HyVee announced that they would be limiting meat purchases to 4 packages per shopper (HyVee press release). This [...]

Champaign, IL, April 16, 2020 – The farm real estate market in Champaign County remains promising.  Most recently Murray Wise Associates was responsible for the sale of approximately 208 acres in western Champaign County just northwest of Mahomet. The property brought a total price of $2,001,100 or $9,621 per acre. The farm, offered for sale [...]

“Whiskey is for drinking; water is for fighting!” A quote often attributed to Mark Twain has rung true in California, a state famous for its “water wars,” for more than a century. Today, when reading about the water situation in California, you are likely to see the Westlands Water District mentioned. This is no surprise [...]