Wondering how much work it will be – and how much money you could make – by selling your farmland? Murray Wise is here to help. We hear this question a lot – “I’m considering selling some farmland, but where should I start?” We also hear, “How much work will it be for me to [...]
News & Insights
Thinking About Selling Your Farmland? Start with these three steps to simplify selling your land
June 3, 2021How Murray Wise Associates Helps Sellers Maximize Price
April 19, 2021Considering selling your farm and not sure where to start? Murray Wise Associates is one of the preeminent real estate and auction firms in the country and we specialize in marketing farmland. Our sole focus is to get as much market exposure for your farm as possible, and in turn maximize sale price. Below are [...]
Commentary: Farmland At This Moment
March 31, 2021By Murray Wise My career in selling, managing, and investing in farmland has now spanned into four decades. Some days I feel like I’ve seen it all. Others, I can be completely shocked by something I’ve never seen before. This is part of the beauty in working in agriculture and with some of the best [...]
Mexico to Go Non-GMO | Big Deal or Little Deal?
March 26, 2021Contributed by Ben Scholl. On New Year’s Eve the Mexican government announced its plans to phase out imports of GMO corn by the year 2024. Since the United States accounts for approximately 96% of the Mexican corn imports, there could be lasting implications for farmers here at home. Mexico is one of, if not, the [...]
More Stimulus on the Way
January 14, 2021Following much anticipated negotiations, Congress passed a $900 billion COVID-19 stimulus package. Included in the package is much-needed financial relief for agricultural producers as well as additional financial resources for agricultural research and farmer stress assistance programs. Of the $900 billion in the package, $13 billion was allocated to agricultural programs, representing approximately 1.4% of [...]
“PAST THOUGHTS” – June 1988
January 8, 2021THE FARMLAND MARKET By Murray Wise In the past few months we have seen a farmland marketplace which could be described no other way than “intensely aggressive.” [We] have been recommending farmland as an investment for some time, but never anticipated the intensity we have experienced in the last six months. In the quality areas [...]
2020 In Review
January 7, 2021Historically we have devoted a portion of the fourth quarter Wise Ag Update to take a look back at the year that was, however, to do 2020 justice I would need much more than the space allotted here. To say this year has been unique would be a colossal understatement. As with virtually every other [...]
Family Offices Find Yield in Central Illinois Farmland
November 3, 2020A global pandemic and accompanying stimulus along with depressed interest rates have caused many investors to go searching for yield. Recently the Federal Reserve announced large banks (with more than $100M in total assets) would be prohibited from buying back stock in the fourth quarter and dividends would be capped and based on a formula [...]
Murray Wise speaks with Todd Gleason about auction theory.
October 12, 2020Todd E. Gleason · A Land Auction Twist to the Nobel Prize
Land Marketing in a COVID-19 Pandemic
July 15, 2020Hopefully soon we will be able to return to what we consider to be normal land marketing, that being a public auction where we invite all those interested to attend. In the interval, we have had the opportunity of recently selling 208 acres here in East Central Illinois, offering the property in three separate tracts [...]